Thursday, 29 April 2010

Storying Sheffield

Storying Sheffield is potentially the best learning I have EVER done. We are working with residents from Sheffield who have not been to university and may not have had the chance to go. Students are working with these residents to produce stories, artifacts, pieces of art, film, recordings and so much more. This course is like no other in the country that I have heard of. There is so much beauty in it. 2 groups of people that would never meet have joined to make this fantastic team. University students have approached this course with such sensitivty and maturity. These people that we are working with are fascinating and have opened the students eyes wide. It has so much personality. And the beauty lies within the way we are working together, the home made feel of what we are producing, the love, care, and time that has gone into everything. What I have personally gained from it is so valuable. I am allowed to think creativly and without limitations. I am not judged for the strange way my brain works but instead encouraged. I have learnt so much about the way I work individually and with others. I have never enjoyed learning this much. It challenges me. I have also met the most interesting tutor I have ever come into contact with in all my years of education. A tutor that has the power to hold my attention and make me feel supported.
Above is some felt letters that I stuck to a piece of card. This took me ages because I kept getting the letters stuck to myself. I have now mastered the art of felt letters and super strong glue.
Below is a logo that I have made on my best friend 'Illustrator'. It needs touching up but I feel it represents the course.
We are having an exhibition of all the work.
I am helping to oversee the organisation and sorting out of the exhibition. I have been given the chance to exercise my skills like organising a group of people, delegating roles, etc as well as submitting some of my work and things. This project is so exciting. It makes me buzz.

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